The original photograph is a faded paper print, circa 1950. It is so badly faded that there was little image to be had. Some parts of the image I airbrushed in to create detail, especially in the faces. I then created a newly restored slide and tintype. This metal photograph is one of three, sent as a gift to each one of the little kids in the original.
10/2/2012 Digital TintypeLast year I photographed Rachel and Fred's wedding. It was a beautiful ceremony at the Alcazar garden in Balboa park. Surrounded by family and friends, they exchanged vows and promises of a new life together. For their first anniversary, we made a framed photograph for Fred, and we then took that same image and created a digital tintype of the special moment for Rachel. These digital tintypes can be made from almost any image! Click here to get started uploading your own.
7/23/2012 Restoring family tintypesI took in an order of nine old tintypes this weekend. They are all from one family and even though they are all badly damaged, it is still amazing how much detail remains on the surface of these tiny metal plates. I'll be putting the missing pieces back together, rebuilding this families tintype heirlooms, and restoring old memories of long gone relatives.
I can now even restore the old tintype to a new tintype, which is a great way to preserve memories both new and old. Click here to get started! They are 20% off just until the end of the month! 7/13/2012 Digitype, a new digital tintypeThis digitype was made from an old family photograph; my great-grandfather is the boy standing to the far right. I had restored this photograph a number of years back and made silver gelatin paper prints for my family. I saved the digital file and yesterday made this digital tintype from the image. Now this family heirloom is truly preserved! Click here to get started making your own!
6/19/2012 For dad, tintype cufflinks
6/14/2012 Making digitypesPreserve your family memories by turning your paper photographs into tintypes.
Click here to get started uploading your images! Using my simple uploader you can upload your digital photographs and turn them into your very own tintypes! Available in either black or silver metal. Click here to get started! I can now take any digital image and turn it into a tintype! This image originated as a digital file and was uploaded to my shop. Click here to get started making a digital tintype of your own! You can also restore your old paper family photographs permanently by turning them into digital tintypes, preserving your precious memories with metal photographs. I get at least one phone call a week asking about photographic restoration. I have been restoring tattered faded old photographs for over a decade, first creating a newly repaired negative and then a new photograph to replace the damaged original. I now encourage clients to make their restorations to tintypes so that their images will last for generations, and memories of loved ones can be preserved permanently. Announcing a new product to my shop!
Now you can upload your photographs and turn them into one of a kind silver photographs on a metal surfaces. Get started making your own today! 4/10/2012 The faux digi dagtype!I have been working on this process for quite some time and am excited to share the results. Wet plating has become my favorite way to create unique portraits that will pass on generation to generation. I have had a number of requests to get this process 'go digital' for the person who loves the medium but can't get to my studio for a real in camera experience. This is a little teaser video of what is to come! Lots of digi tintypes and digi faux daguerreotypes! This video is of a faux daguerreotype, created from a client's restored old photograph. By the week's end, I'll have an option in my store to buy one of these for yourself. Imagine taking a picture with your iphone, uploading to my store, and in 2-4 short weeks, you will have your very own digi tin or digi faux dag. I'd love feedback on this for those who are interested!